Wills & Estates
Your Will is one of the most important documents you will ever create during your lifetime, and can ensure a legacy for many future family generations to come.
Our experienced team works in partnership with accountants and financial planners to ensure that your unique wishes are structured in a way that maximizes beneficiary protection and tax-effectiveness.

Our Suite of Wills & Estate Planning Services Include:
Executor disputes;
Removal of Executors/Trustees
Estate Administration;
Applying for Probate;
Applying for Letters of Administration; and
Business succession planning.
Making Wills;
Updating Wills;
Enduring Powers of Attorney;
Advance Health Directives;
Testamentary Trust Wills;
Challenging Wills;
In addition to Succession Planning advice and Estate Administration, we also have extensive experience in Estate Litigation.
Our skilled team are experienced in efficiently challenging a Will, defending an Estate and seeking orders and injunctions in relation to Executors/Trustees.
Wills & Estates Case Studies: